The Skull of the Terminator, Raspberry Pi style

It has a Raspberry Pi 4 Model B brain and a Raspberry Pi camera in one of its eye sockets (a Pimoroni Camera Module for Raspberry Pi Zero, to be precise). Nice.

There’s also an Adafruit Braincraft HAT, for machine learning-powered banter, and a Seeed Studio Grove speaker, for optimum vocalisations. Oh, and a red LED for artistic effect, in the eye socket. Because this isn’t just an objet d’art. Oh no. It can detect objects, and humans, and even talk back to them. Stentorious commands, presumably.

Breaking that down: it can listen for sound, converting it to text, running that through a chat bot and converting the result to a response, via text-to-speech. Note, it can also multi-task, so while its inferencing speech it can also detect objects, for example. A terminator Skull never sleeps…

Thanks to the Raspberry Pi team for highlighting this. And the skilled Gadget Master behind the project is one Michael Darby, and you can find his 314Reactor channel on YouTube and also follow his work on twitter.

He is planning to build further on the skull, as it were, perhaps expanding to an exoskeleton and improving its memory of past speech. We wish him luck!

It’s actually the culmination of seven years of work, as he combines the learning of a number of projects into the Terminator Skull, with the prize possession being the skull itself that he found on e-Bay.

You can read more on the Raspberry Pi website.

I must admit, I’m not familiar with the Schwarzenegger oeuvre, but I can see this is impressive work. However, the T-800 Terminator was “Skynet’s first cybernetic organism”, the Web tells me.

[Via twitter (Raspberry_Pi)]

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