Final Fantasy VII Rebirth: Everything we know so far

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth was revealed during a Final Fantasy VII 25th anniversary event and is slated to launch a lot sooner than expected. Seven years ago, Remake took the world by storm after its surprise announcement during Sony’s E3 2015 conference. While we expected a full blown recreation of the original game, it was confirmed shortly after that Midgar would be its primary focus. This made fans a little worried because it initially felt like Square Enix would be milking the original Final Fantasy VII across multiple remakes to get more money. 

But when the game finally launched five years later, that doubt faded. Square Enix’s plan for the Final Fantasy VII Remake project turned out to be a lot more than just padding the game’s length to fit multiple entries. And now, all of our hopes lie with Rebirth, the upcoming sequel to 2020’s Final Fantasy VII Remake. And with Final Fantasy XVI coming sometime next year, we’re hoping this signals huge shifts for the future of this game franchise. Final Fantasy is back!

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