Tips for Implementing AI Into Content Marketing

This is the third and final piece in a miniseries on how businesses can leverage AI writing software in their marketing departments.

After covering the basics, benefits, and challenges of AI writing software for marketing, let’s look at the best ways to implement these tools. For our last article in this series, we reached out to marketing professionals and business leaders to learn how your team can get the most out of this technology.

Without further ado, here are six helpful tips from industry experts. Editor’s note: check our Part 1 and Part 2 of this marketing writing with AI series.

1. Stay True to Your Voice

“Never go with 100% of what the AI generates for you. Even if it’s factually correct and reads well, it’s not uniquely you. This can be an issue because audiences stick around to hear unique insights and angles on situations. Always be sure to edit any AI copy to make it your own. Think of AI writers as writing assistants rather than full-time writers. They can do a lot of the legwork for you, but you need to guide, edit, and add to create the best marketing material for your company.” — Hunter Branch, founder of Rank Tree.

Related Article: AI Writing Software for Marketing, Part 1: The Basics

2. Select the Right Template for Your Needs and Goals

“Always use a template meant for certain content. Using an email marketing copy template to write a Facebook Ad headline is like putting a square peg in a round hole. Additionally, AI writing tools are best for informational content, from my experience. It may require more time and effort to use them to generate commercial content. ” — Chuks Chukwuemeka, Freelance Writer and Founder of

3. Do Your Research Before Giving the AI Writing Software Direction

“AI writing tools are a double-sided coin when it comes to content marketing… Spammy websites that use these tools without unique research are more likely to see a big drop in traffic come future updates. I recommend doing your research beforehand and using said research to give the AI writer commands. That way, the auto-generator will have a structure to follow, rather than spitting out and rewording random content that may be unrelated.” — Joe Bowab, CEO of Lobster Anywhere.

Related Article: AI Writing Software for Marketing, Part 2: Challenges, Limitations

4. Use Both Human and AI Writers

“Businesses looking to leverage AI in writing should remember that it is merely a tool and should not replace a human writer. The trick is to use both resources to maximize the benefits. A human writer can’t generate a 500-word blog in five minutes, but an AI writing tool can in just a click. Similarly, AI can’t personalize your content, but a human writer can. So extracting the good things from these two will make AI work for you.” — Jeffery Zhou, co-founder and CEO of Fig Loans.

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