BBC launches a new Web Python Editor for micro:bit

BBC micro:bit has announced the release of a new web Python editor that will let young developers from educational institutions build applications, breaking entry-level barriers. BBC’s Make It Digital initiative launched micro:bit educational program to allow young school students to explore the world of digital transformation through an embedded ecosystem. The Python editor is designed for young people to learn programming skills for various embedded applications.

The Micro:bit Educational Foundation took 18 months to develop a Python editor that will address the barriers users can face in working with text-based languages by creating a more user-friendly, creative, and intuitive learning experience. The free access is given in multiple languages, including English, French, Japanese, Korean, and Spanish. This will help school students to get hands-on experience with programming lessons.

“To truly address the digital skills gap – and the digital diversity gap – we need to remove the barriers that surround learning text-based languages,” commented Lucy Gill, Product Manager at the Micro:bit Educational Foundation.

Some of the interesting features that come with the cloud-native web Python editor are drag-and-drop code examples, code structure and error highlighting, auto-complete, a simulator, and quick ideas to get started. Drag and drop is my favorite feature as it lets the students easily discover examples that can be dragged into the code to make a new logic function.

The BBC also has a list of projects developed in Python programming languages, searchable by computing topic, level, and micro:bit features. There are a total of 74 projects developed in Python programming language that cover many device features, including accelerometer, buttons, compass, LED display, sound, radio, light sensor, temperature sensor, speaker, pins, microphone, and many more.

“With over six million of our devices in use globally, we have been able to draw on a broad scope of insights and data to redefine how we teach Python and make it more accessible to a broader spectrum of users. This is purpose-designed to make the step up from beginner feel far smaller and to bring code to life with a physical device, keeping learners more engaged and motivated.”

To get hands-on experience with the all-new web Python editor, head to the official page and start your programming journey.

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