These invisible images let companies spy on your email — here’s how to stop them

Your emails are spying on you. Out of the gazillion emails that hit our inboxes every day, most of them have hidden trackers capable of informing the recipient when you open them, where you open them, how many times you’ve read them, and much more — a privacy nightmare many call “endemic.” Fortunately, there are ways you can protect yourself and your inbox. 

Advertisers and marketing companies, especially, equip their promotional emails with tracking pixels to keep tabs on their mass campaigns. Based on how people interact with them, senders can learn which subject lines are the most “clickable,” and which of their targets can be potential customers.

Though this is useful from an analytics perspective, it’s also often done covertly and without consent. Not a fan of this invasion of privacy? There’s an easy way to turn off email tracking. , For a better look at what these intrusive little pixels are and how to put an end to them, read on.

What are email tracking pixels?

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