2022 Contributors of the Year: Nichole Devolites

A profile of independent consultant Nichole Devolites — one of CMSWire’s top contributors of 2022.

Have you ever been shocked when a brand you’re loyal to surprises you? In her debut article for CMSWire Raising Prices? Raise the Customer Experience, Nichole Devolites recounts her experience finding out that a chain she was loyal to was charging 78% more for a bottle of wine she liked. She did some investigating on other items and found that the store was charging anywhere from 60% to 72% more than other stores for the same items. That ended her relationship with the store.

Nichole’s perspective emphasizes her belief that humans crave genuine connections that lead to favorable outcomes for not just themselves, but those around them. She believes that customer surprise and delight can come from the little things, such as “unexpected personalization, human connection and establishing/maintaining a culture that customers identify with and want to continue to be a part of.” 

Nichole has been in the tech industry for over 20 years and has worked with some of the most notable tech leaders in the world to solve challenges in the areas of sales, marketing, customer experience and operations. Read Nichole’s recent columns here. And check out our video Q&A with her above from earlier in the year.

This is part of our end-of-year series celebrating our top CMSWire Contributors of the Year for 2022. These are regular CMSWire Contributors whose articles this year greatly resonated with our community of professionals. These Contributors simply serve as great ambassadors of our brand in the world of marketing and customer experience. 

Say ‘Yes’ to Every Opportunity That Comes Your Way

What excites you most about the space you cover?

I love being inspired and challenged by how humans think, react and evolve. All too often, we forget that those around us are people, too, and that we’re all doing our best to live up to what’s expected of us from ourselves and others. Thus, I love observing the world around me in customer/vendor situations, taking these observations and applying them to CX principles, then providing more humanistic views to them that produce relatable advice and thought-provoking discussion.

Related Article: Customer Experience Meets Community Experience: Lessons From Overseas

What trend(s) do you think will emerge in 2023?

I think CX professionals are going to be in a tough battle next year, trying to determine the right balance of digital versus human-touch programs and strategies with less resources and budget at our disposal. Therefore, alignment and enforcement are key, which means there will be a central focus on a well-defined (and very detailed) customer journey that is supported by automation where possible.

I also feel that organizations, particularly tech companies, will have a larger focus on improving customer enablement, via multimedia learning strategies, as customers are overwhelmed with lengthy, poorly written documentation that doesn’t cater to unique learning styles.

Finally, I believe in Q2 and through to the rest of the year, there will be a growing focus on employee happiness and what can be done to support retention for the sake of a better internal culture that leads to a more stable customer base. Right now, it’s reverberating, significantly, across almost every industry, which is continuing to cause high customer churn.

Related Article: Scenes From an Italian Restaurant: Great Customer Experience, Personalized Touch

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