Learn SEO Step by Step

Here are the factors that make up a great content:

  • Brainstorm for a while and then come up with a great compelling headline before writing content.
  • Make writing a daily habit and you will reach to the awesome very soon.
  • Once you start writing, make sure you include all the statistics and helpful information in your content.
  • Without keyword research, even the great content fails. Include your targeted keyword in your post’s headline and throughout the article. Choose your keyword before starting to write.
  • Keyword stuffing won’t work anymore so carefully use your keywords in a meaningful way.
  • Google loves fresh content which is nothing but posting new content or updating your older posts.
  • If you write a clear cut answer then Google recognize it as an answer to a particular question.

Quick note: If you want to get more out of on-page SEO, you need to do keyword research first. Find a primary keyword for every blog post you write. That way you can use that primary keyword in page titles, meta description, alt tags etc to increase website traffic quickly.

1. Put Your Primary Keyword In The Page Title

Title is what attracts the readers. Whether your article is read or not is completely depends on your blog post title. For Google, title is very important. Experts says that maximum you can include 50-60 characters in title.

You must use primary keyword in the page title. When a person searched with that keyword, search engine highlights that keyword and displays in search results.

2. Put Your Keywords In The Meta Description

After including primary keyword in page title, it is important to include that primary keyword in meta description section too.

How it helps? The main purpose is to drive massive traffic from Google search engine. However, search engine don’t use this meta description factor in its algorithm but it uses CTR(Click-Through-Rate) to determine whether your post link is good to show or not.

So, you must include primary keyword in meta description.

Keep this in mind while writing meta description:

  • Use call-to-actions somewhere in the meta description like “Learn more”, “Grab the deal” etc. so that it instills enthusiasm in the readers to click the link.
  • Always write unique content in meta description which is of around 135 to 160 characters. Never write more than that.
  • Never stuff keywords which is not relevant. Users feel its spamming and hits the back button immediately.

3. Don’t Ignore Meta Tags

In every blog post, it is mandatory to write meta keywords. Both in meta keyword and meta description sections, use only targeted keyword. Under the meta tags section, use all possible relevant keywords for that particular blog post also include what type of keywords, users may search.

Search engines gets information about your blog site through meta tags and thus indexes your site. Meta tags also describe what your blog post is about.

4. Optimize Your URLs

Keep your URL’s short and simple. If possible, try to use your primary keyword within it. Use clear and user-friendly URL’s for all of your blog posts. These are shown in web browser address.

Let’s say you wrote confusing URL for your blog post and there is another blog which writes similar content but write simple and clear URL, then search engines consider the simple ones.

So, optimize your URL for search engine.

How to do it?

  • If possible, include keyword in URL but don’t stuff unnecessarily. It should make sense.
  • Make it short as possible. It is said, 50 to 60 characters is good. If it crosses more than 100, probably you should re-write it again.
  • It would be good if your page title and URL matches but in doing so, don’t write unclear URL’s.
  • For example your post title is “7 best yoga exercises for women” then you can optimize URL as yourblogname.com/yoga-exercises-women

5. Use H2, H3 Tags As The Sub-Headings (By Including Your Keywords)

Heading tags, the name itself says that it will be used while writing headings. Obviously you should use heading 1 for the blog post title.

While writing sub headings in the post, use h2 and h3 tags. For the sub heading, use h2 tag and for the sub-subheading, use h3 tag. Why?

It gives the clear information to the readers what the post is all about and how it will be helpful for them? If they find it helpful they will read the entire article and share it on social media. So, writing interesting sub-headings is very important. It also helps Google to find the main topics very easily and it becomes user-friendly.

Just by reading sub-headings, users will get clarity. If possible include keywords in subheadings, but don’t stuff forcibly as it may lose its meaning.

6. Image Alt Tags Are Important

One image speaks louder more than thousands of words. So, in your blog post, use images related to your post.

Including images helps in getting shared in Pinterest and Twitter massively. Well, to improve the accessibility to your blog site, you must write alt text for the image you upload.

Alt text describes what the image is about.

How it is helpful?

  • If Google fails to show up image at least the alt tag will be displayed. This is because, search engine find it very difficult to read. So search engine can understand if you write alt text for image.
  • It also helps for visually impaired as they use screen readers. So, using alt text for image is a good practice. Always, be unique while writing alt text for an image.
  • Use keywords in image alt text if possible as it increases the chances of image showing up in search results.

If you use WordPress, it is very easy to fill alt text for an image as it shows alt text dialogue box when you upload an image.

Read: Image SEO: How to Optimize Images for Google Search

7. Use Your Primary Keyword In The Introduction Of Your Post

Your blog post introduction should be very interesting to read. Don’t drag too much information here. Use some statistics in the introduction part that is related to your blog post. At least once, use your primary keyword in the introduction part.

8. Internal Linking Is Super Important

Internal links are nothing but links that refers one of your previous blog posts in your blog.

Why to do internal linking?

  • Your older posts gets new life when you link in your new post. Include only relevant links. if you feel so and so previous blog post will be helpful to the reader while reading the current post then only include link.
  • It enhances their search engine rankings by increasing their Page Authority(PA).

You can do internal linking only if you have lots of content. So, create great content. Write lots of posts in your blog.

Quick note: Fortunately, if you are a WordPress user, I’ve a simple tip for you in this SEO tutorial for beginners: start using Rank Math SEO plugin. It’s free and you can do all the above things (on page optimization) easily even if you’re not a SEO master.

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