BQ AQUARIS E4.5 Mobile Gives Me All I Need

by Lluis



Hello my name is Lluis and I am a proud Catalonian. I bought my BQ Mobile (Spanish brand) in Spain after a bad Samsung experience like terrible battery, the screen broke within 2 weeks even though it had screen protection coupled with signal problems.

In the beginning it worked quit fast and within 6 months it’s started to work very slowly. Then I decided to look for a local brand (not well known brand) so after consulting my friends and family, they recommended BQ SmartPhones.

Using the BQ smartphone(Dual Sim Card) so far I am quite surprised that it has done better than I expected, after 2 years I can still use the mobile throughout the whole day without needing to recharge the battery, and it’ works just as fast as the first day I bought it for ONLY €170 (keeping in mind that for an extra €20 I could buy the BQ AQUARIS E5 which is a higher model).

One thing I like about the phone is the fact that it can take two Sim cards at the same time giving me more flexibility and versatility as I do travel All over the world.

And one last thing, my mobile has had many hard knocks to the ground from great heights and it’s still intact and working very well just like when I bought it.

Thanks for reading my review ……. do you have any questions? Leave me a comment below

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