The 2019-22 boom was not the biggest in industry’s history. As  Penn put it “it was number 11 in the boom hit …

Well, don’t stress, help is at hand. If you can’t come to us, we’ll come to you! You can now sign up …

To reduce Russian gas supplies, EU countries had set a goal of reducing their natural gas consumption by 15 %  between August …

“With low ESR and robust ripple current ratings, they will outperform surface mount electrolytics of greater size,” claimed the company. They “also …

EPC21701, as it will be known, can produce pulses down to 2ns at up to 50MHz. Its internal 40A GaN FET is …

Debuting at the recent CES, apparently it is indeed a sight for sore eyes – thanks to Chrome Unboxed for flagging this, …

For years now, YouTube is becoming more famous. Thus, the number of users is increasing. There is a rise in content creators …

The Bosch SensorTech BME688 4-in-1 pressure, humidity, temperature, and gas sensor has replaced the HTS221 humidity sensor and the LP22HB barometric pressure …

R5M, R3M, R2M and R1M are rated at 5W, 3W, 2W, and 1W respectively. R2M types are also available in the DIP8 through-hole …

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