Browse the web faster and more effectively with this simple trick

We’re used to multitasking with several apps on our PCs. However, most of us now spend a significant portion of our time in just one app: the browser, where we jump across tabs instead. Though you can’t take advantage of your desktop’s split-screen features to manage multiple tabs simultaneously, you can easily replicate the experience with third-party extensions. 

On most browsers like Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox, it’s possible for you to split a single window’s space to operate numerous tabs side by side. You can have anywhere from two tabs equally sharing your screen to four divided into quadrants and even adjust how much space each tab is taking up. You can put your social feed at one end, a spreadsheet in the center, and a search engine on the other to quickly go back and forth. Regardless of what you want in each of those tabs, you’re sure to benefit from knowing how to do split-screen on your browser. 

Google Chrome, Brave, Microsoft Edge

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