Build a Marketing Engine for Organizational Growth

In our last article, we discussed how to develop an essential and unique blueprint that defines how you drive growth at your organization. 

Now that you have a blueprint, it’s time to implement a growth engine to align people, processes and technologies around one central goal: supporting the customer journey. 

In other words, it’s time to move your plan into action.

Marketing: The Sum of Many Parts

While the blueprint articulates the organization’s requirements, the growth engine translates those requirements into an integrated system of technology platforms, human innovation and automated processes. It extends across an organization and captures the data from every customer touchpoint — from the first touch to renewal. 

The magic happens when traditional, customer-facing marketing activities connect to a broader system. While every piece of data and every data-driven activity contributes to value, tying it all together generates true insight and enables exceptional customer experiences

Marketing is about more than serving as the brand and logo police. It is the topmost customer-facing layer of a massive system that encompasses every business function. Behind the scenes, it works down in the trenches, doing lead generation, moving leads into prospects and so on — all the way through the revenue funnel in a defined, systematic way. It’s like an iceberg: The part visible above the surface is only a fraction of what lies beneath. 

Related Article: Plan the Marketing Work, Then Work the Marketing Plan

The Growth Engine Iceberg and Its Many Layers

Like an iceberg, most of the growth engine is submerged below the customer’s sightline. But every part is designed to align the organization’s processes and technologies to support the customer’s experience.

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