Analog Devices’ ADG1634L 4.7 Ω RON, quad SPDT switch has 1.2 V and 1.8 V JEDEC logic compliance ADI’s ADG1634L is a monolithic industrial CMOS (iCMOS®) ...
Robotug was a mobile automatic transport truck (TT), created by EMI. This device is able to carry a cargo ...
The BMP581 absolute barometer sensor from Bosch enables design flexibility and energy-efficient applications. Bosch expands its pressure sensor product ...
The author is Harry Parker, who suffered losing his legs when in the British Army because of an IED ...
In a major breakthrough in single board computing, AAEON introduces the de next-TGU8, the smallest board featuring an on-board Intel® Core™ i-level ...
Kingston University is testing a hydroelectric turbine prototype from a pontoon in the Thames. Developed by ...
SolderGO launches comfortable ergonomic smart soldering iron to raise funding for the first production run exclusively on the platform Kickstarter known to ...
“Folks, we need to make these chips right here in America to bring down everyday costs and create good jobs,” ...
Spike, the world’s first conversational email app and collaborative email platform for teams of all sizes, has been gaining in popularity as of late, ...
OUD is one of the most popular and luxurious perfume ingredients in the world. Originating from Southeast Asia, OUD has a woody, musky scent that is ...
Many people have excellent business ideas but are afraid to make them a reality. Why is that so? Most startups fail in the first year, which is pretty ...
Bitcoin mining protects the blockchain from malicious attacks and helps ensure a fair distribution of Bitcoin. Platforms like make ...