CMSWire Reporter Jennifer Torres Shares Her Top 5 Favorite Articles of the Year

CMSWire Reporter Jennifer Torres shares her favorite stories of the year with her top five articles of 2022.

The Dalai Lama once said, “Without technology humanity has no future, but we have to be careful that we don’t become so mechanized that we lose our human feelings.”

The stories I selected as my Top 5 for 2022 have a similar theme — the importance of humanity within the corporate space. They all focus on the human side of employee and customer connections and community — while respecting and validating the high-tech components that allow us to make and enhance those vital relationships.

I’m extremely thankful for all the amazing people I met and the insight they shared with me in all the articles I wrote this year.

Each one was special.

So without further ado, here are my selections for my Top 5 Articles of 2022. 

Quiet quitting — it’s a TikTok sensation and a viral catchphrase that’s captured the attention of America’s workforce. A quiet quitter is someone who is psychologically detached from their job — and instead of going “above and beyond,” they do the bare minimum their role requires. Are CX leaders concerned about quiet quitting within their team? If not, they should be — half the country is doing it.

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