Embrace Progressive Composable Implementation

Big-bang digital implementation — the flashy approach popular with enterprises stuck on legacy software monoliths — isn’t compatible with a composable future. This all-at-once changeover has a track record of failing to deliver on executive sponsor expectations — namely, to flexibly launch new digital products and websites at reasonable costs and within tight timeframes. While keeping consultants busy and billable, traditional technology deployment approaches are often too slow, too sequential and too rigid to handle changes in organizational strategy and customer needs.

With mounting economic pressure and shrinking margin of error, savvy executives need to leave this pressure-packed approach behind as the standard operating procedure of the past.

The answer? Purposeful composable implementation.

Effective and Efficient Digital Deployment

Facing the threats of recession and skills shortages, executive leaders continue to de-risk and pursue more effective approaches to meet faster moving market demands while ensuring digital products can scale and flex as they need to. Composable technologies are inherently modular and packaged up with best-fit services — like intelligent standardized blocks that can easily snap together to build value quickly with performance and scale.

Instead of forcing a one-time change, knowledgeable leaders can now progressively construct a core set of serverless and headless technology modules that can strategically extend depending on the organization’s most critical priorities or issues.

No longer a dream, the reality of flexible, modular digital product and website implementation is now upon us. The best way to deploy new growth tools and digital experiences more effectively and inexpensively is through progressive composable implementation [the dream].

Progressive composable implementation enables organization-wide deployment of technologies at scale, especially following successful digital innovation experiments.

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