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Choosing a food blog name is one of the most important steps when it comes to starting a brand new blog. Your food blog name can carry a lot of weight, so you want to be sure to choose something that’s catchy, meaningful… and most of all, stands out from the rest of the food blogs online.
To help you decide on a food blog name, I’ve put together my top tips for coming up with a name on your own, along with food blog name ideas to help you get the gears turning.
Are you ready to name your food blog? Keep reading to find out how!
Can I Start a Food Blog Even If I Don’t Have a Name?
Before I get on to the juicy parts of this article, first things first. A lot of people think that you need to have a set name before you start your blog. While this is true for the most part, one of the reasons why we love Bluehost as a host is because it gives you the opportunity to start your food blog even if you haven’t decided on a name.
All you need to do is hover your mouse as if you were going to leave the screen and this pop up will appear. Then you can come up with a name later!
The best part is you get a FREE domain name for a year when you register with Bluehost.
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What Should I Name My Food Blog? 5 Tips to Come Up with Food Blog Names
Are you wondering “what should I name my food blog?”.
If so, you’re in the right place! Here are 5 tips to help you come up with the food blog name of your dreams.
Tip 1: Decide the Type of Food Blog You Want to Run
The first step to coming up with a food blog name is deciding what type of food blog you actually want to start.
Choosing a super-specific niche will not only allow your blog to stand out in a sea of millions of other blogs, but it will also help you pick a name that’s directly related to the content you’ll be publishing.
In our Blogging Fast Lane course, we call this process defining your Blue Ocean. What that means is choosing a blog topic that’s so specific and unique, it can stand out amongst all the other food blogs on the web.
Here are some different types of food blogs to help you see what I mean:
- Local food reviews
- Quick healthy cooking
- Dessert pastry baking
- Recreate movie foods
- Cooking for kids on a budget
- Easy Italian food
- Authentic Mexican food
- Being vegan abroad
Take some time to decide on a niche (and make it as specific as possible!) and choose a name that will fit your blog content best.
If you’re stuck on this step, head over to our article: The Ultimate Guide to Finding a Profitable Blogging Niche (Even When You Don’t Know What to Blog About!)
Tip 2: Get Inspired by Existing Food Blog Names
After deciding on what type of food blog you want to start, take some time to check out other blogs in the space.
What are the names of some popular food blogs? Specifically, what are the names of food blogs in your niche?
This is a really valuable way to seek inspiration as it shows you what’s working well (especially if it’s a popular blog), what sounds catchy, and what may make sense for your own blog.
You may also find that many food blog names have a similar structure to them, leading you to hints about how to structure your own.
Here are some existing food blog names to inspire you:
- Pinch of Yum
- Not Without Salt
- Butter Me Up Brooklyn
- Spoon Fork Bacon
- Serious Eats
- Minimalist Baker
- Love & Olive Oil
- Cooking Classy
- Two Peas & Their Pod
- A Couple Cooks
- The Stay at Home Chef
- Brown Eyed Baker
- Oh My Veggies
- Chocolate & Zucchini
- Slender Kitchen
- Cookilicious
- Homesick Texan
- Dishin’ Up the Dirt
- Running on Veggies
- Sprouted Kitchen
- Sunday Morning Banana Pancakes
- Fork Knife Swoon
- A Tasty Love Story
- A Cozy Kitchen
Tip 3: Brainstorm and Build a Word Bank of Food-Related Words
Once you’ve gotten enough inspiration, it’s time to brainstorm for a blog name of your own.
The point of the brainstorming process is to get down as many ideas on paper as possible and create a hefty word bank. Doing this will give you lots of room to play around when you start to put your food blog name together.
You can create a word bank by starting two separate lists.
One list should be general food, cooking, eating, and kitchen words, and the other list should be filled with words related to your specific niche. Write down any words or phrases that pop into your head, letting them flow out until you have lots of options to work from.
I put together this little list of some food words to get the gears turning:
- Eat
- Snack
- Stir
- Mix
- Delicious
- Seasoned
- Cookbook
- Table
- Melting
- Delight
- Yummy
- Dash
- Chop
- Flavor
- Meals
- Salt
- Pinch
- Kitchen
- Food
- Cuisine
- Prep
- Spice
Then, you can get even more focused with words related to your food blog’s topic.
Baking Blog Words
- Sweet
- Baked
- Warm
- Gooey
- Chocolate
- Cake
- Confectionary
Healthy Blog Words
- Veggies
- Fruit
- Healthy
- Fresh
- Green
- Clean
- Fit
By building out a solid word bank with both general items and specific words for your niche, you’ll have tons of ideas to choose from when it’s time to put words together for your own unique blog name.
Creating a word bank also helps if you plan to use a food blog name generator. Blog name generators allow you to plug in different words and in return, spits out tons of ideas for different names.
We actually took the time to develop our own blog name generator to make the process that much easier.
Tip 4: Get Creative With Word Choices
Now that you have a giant list of different words, it’s time to spice it up a little bit. You may notice that lots of the options in your word bank are pretty generic, but you can use a thesaurus to come up with some more interesting choices.
Head over to thesaurus.com and spend some time searching for different words and picking out more related items to add to your word bank. You don’t have to swap anything out, just grow your word list so that you have a plethora of options.
Let’s take the word “delicious” for example.
When you plug delicious into thesaurus, you get tons of more interesting options like enticing, heavenly, luscious, rich, savory, tempting, and more!
Add these to your word bank, and continue the process for other words on your list before the final step of putting different words together.
Tip 5: Mix and Match to Find the Perfect Food Blog Name
Finally, it’s time to mix and match words to find a blog name that you’re happy with.
Take a little while to try out different combinations of words from your word bank to see what fits well together. You may need to use conjunctions or other add-on words to round out the mixing and matching, but this part should come naturally based on what sounds good.
Try to mix and match general cooking words with words related to your niche, so that readers can get a sense of what your food blog is about with just a glance at its name.
Here are some general ideas to keep in mind while trying to find fun matches for a food blog name!
Adopt Alliteration
One way to make your blog name stand out in people’s minds is to use alliteration. This is the reason it’s so easy to remember names like Dunkin Donuts or Best Buy!
This stands true for food blogs, too. Just take popular examples like Love and Lemons and Budget Bytes.
Play With Words
Another way to get people to remember your blog name is to play with words in an interesting way. Mix and match to come up with a pun, or play on words, to stick out in people’s memories.
A good example of this is the blog name, Gimme Some Oven, which plays on the phrase “gimme some lovin’”.
You can also mix and match to come up with a rhyming blog name, which is naturally easier for people to remember.
The food blog Home Sweet Eats does this by rhyming sweet and eats, and so does the blog Smitten Kitchen.
Use Your Name
One last way to spice up the mix-and-match process is by throwing your name into the ring. It’s fairly common for food bloggers (and bloggers in general) to include their name in the blog’s name to make it personal.
For example, some well-known food blogs that include the blogger’s name are Cookie and Kate, Joy the Baker, and Alexandra’s Kitchen.
Now before I dish out a few food blog names, I want to remind you that a name is just a name until you make a brand out of it! While finding the perfect name is important, don’t spend too long on the naming process!
Video Tutorial on How to Come Up with a Blog Name
Registering Your Food Blog Name
Now that you have a blog name in mind, it’s now time to register your name to avoid anyone else getting it. We recommend signing up through Bluehost because they give you a free name for the first year. Otherwise, you will have to buy the domain name separately from another provider.
Use the box below to see if the blog name you have in mind is available.
With our special reader discount, you also get to save up to 63% (almost $180) off their 3 year plan, allowing you to start a food blog for as low as $2.95 per month!
40 Food Blog Name Ideas You Can Use
Now that you know the process of finding the perfect name for your food blog, you’re probably ready to hit the ground running.
But if you’re looking for more inspiration or want to see the process in action, here are some food blog name ideas that I came up with while writing this article. While reading this article, if you come up with any of your own food blog name ideas, you can check if it is available using this widget below.
Disclosure: This page contains affiliate links, meaning we get a commission if you decide to make a purchase through any of the links, at no cost to you.
General Food Blog Name Ideas
If your food blog is going to cover all sorts of cuisines and food-related topics, it may suit you best to choose a more general food blog name.
Even then, that doesn’t mean your blog name should be boring! Actually, having a general food blog is even more reason to have a name that really stands out.
The best way to come up with a name for your general food blog is to showcase your personality and style. While the topics on your food covered on your blog may change, your personality won’t!
Check out these general food blog name ideas:
- Meals Appeals
- Eating Good Tonight
- First Move is Food
- Meals on a Monday
- Forever Eating Easily
- Chowmein and Chickpeas
- [Name]’s Kitchen Table
- Dash of [Name]
Dessert Food Blog Name Ideas
Ooey gooey sweets-centered blogs… Who doesn’t want to get lost in chocolate cake and frosting recipes?
Dessert is a great route to take with a food blog, especially if you’re an avid baker or have a crazy sweet tooth (like me!).
When coming up with a blog name to show off your sweets, think about the emotions people feel when they eat desserts. Hyper, excited, warm, glutinous… These are all things that you can play on in your food blog name.
Also, since desserts have a certain kind of forbidden allure to them, they can be painted as “mysterious”, “tempting”, and “divine”… all exciting adjectives to build a blog name around!
Here are some examples of food blog name ideas focused on desserts and baked goods:
- Feasting on Frosting
- Dessert First Please
- Cookies Cake Crunch
- Tempting Treats Recipes
- Sweets For Breakfast
- On a Sugar High
- My Bakers Bunch
- Oven Mitts and Chocolate
Healthy Food Blog Name Ideas
Eating clean and healthy living is all the craze these days, and there are so many food blogs dedicated to this topic.
If you’re thinking about starting a healthy food blog, you have to pick a narrow niche and a name that stands out from the competition and makes your blog shine.
When coming up with a healthy food blog name, think about the recipes you make. Are they catered towards losing weight? Towards feeling good? Eating on a schedule? These are points of difference and can be included in your blog name!
Now, imagine all the ingredients you use to make tasty recipes. What spices and veggies do you throw into the mix? How can you describe your healthy food?
Thinking on these topics will help you pick an awesome healthy food blog name, ready for your equally awesome content.
Here are some possible healthy food blog name ideas:
- Fresh Clean Foods
- Hearty But Healthy
- Eat Raw 101
- Meal Plans by [name]
- Really Raw Recipes
- Sprinkle of Freshness
- Veggie Varietal
- Eat Your Fruits and Veg
Recipe Food Blog Name Ideas
Classic recipe blogs are a great way to share your take on cooking. From breakfast through dinner and dessert, you can offer readers plenty of delicious recipes to be made in their own kitchens!
What makes your cooking unique? What flavors do you use? What’s your inspiration? These questions will help guide you to a food blog name that shows off your personal style while keeping it relevant to eager readers.
These are some recipe blog name ideas:
- Serving Up Spices
- Home Cooked Goodness
- In [Name]’s Kitchen
- Recipes Refocused
- Always Eating Well
- [Name]’s Menu
- Step Into My Kitchen
- Cooking For Moms
Restaurant Review Food Blog Name Ideas
Another route that food bloggers take is restaurant reviews. Rather than sharing their own cooking, they go out and review places for others… Talk about a dream job!
To compete with the big restaurant reviewers like Zagat and Open Table, new restaurant review food blogs have to be fun, catchy, and specific enough to capture a given audience. If a food blogger can do that, they’re set to rumble.
Some possible restaurant review blog name ideas are:
- My Epic Eating Guide
- Foodie’s Guide to [City]
- Eating Out Always
- Fine Dining and Wining
- Feast Your Heart Out
- World Through My Stomach
- Cheap Food Big Yum
- Hidden Hotspots Here
What’s Next for Your Food Blog?
As mentioned, once you’ve decided on a kickass name for your food blog, it’s time to make sure that it’s actually available for you to use.
You can do that right here:
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If your chosen blog name is available, awesome! Let’s get the domain registered so that it’s locked into your possession.
Domains generally go for around $10 a year but along with a domain, to get a blog started, you need to purchase hosting as well.
With Bluehost (the most trusted and most affordable hosting provider out there), a domain is included for free when you buy hosting! Plus, with our discount, you can get up to 63% off hosting.
Deciding on a food blog name is such an exciting step on your blogging journey but it’s just the very beginning! Once you have your name set up, the real work begins.
Next, you have to find a food blog theme, set up your website, build out content, publish articles and… I’m getting a little ahead of myself.
For an easy guide on how to launch your food blog, check out our article: How to Start a Blog in Any Niche.
Hopefully, this article has simplified the process of coming up with a food blog name and got you one step closer to launching your blog.
Remember, it’s all about setting yourself apart, and if you can do this right off the bat with your name, you’re destined for foodie success. Good luck!
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