How to set Wi-Fi data limits on Mac and PC

There are dozens of activities that use your computer’s internet data at any given moment. Apps stay up to date to send you the latest notifications, the operating system checks for updates and backs up your files, and your browser’s add-ons have their dedicated connections — the list is endless. This is a headache, especially if you’ve got limited bandwidth. If you’re facing this, consider limiting your MacBook or PC’s Wi-Fi data.

Whether you’re on macOS or Windows, you can restrict how much of your network’s bandwidth your computer can consume. In addition, third-party software lets you set a limit on individual apps’ data access or block them off entirely from the internet. Here’s how to set data limits on your Mac or PC. 

Set a data limit on Windows PC’s Wi-Fi

On Windows 10 and Windows 11, you can set up a usage limit for the connected Wi-Fi or Ethernet network right from the Settings. When you activate it, Windows will also recognize the network as a metered connection and pause a range of data-hungry background activities to save bandwidth, such as automatic updates and OneDrive backups. When you’re close to hitting the limit, your PC will warn you, and once you cross it, it will suggest disconnecting or switching to a different network. It won’t, unfortunately, automatically cut off apps’ internet access when you are over the limit. 

(Image credit: Laptop Mag)

Go to Settings > Network & Internet > Status, click “Data usage,” and then select “Enter limit.” Under “Limit Type,” you can choose whether you’d set the data limit to reset monthly with the “Monthly option” or after a certain number of days with “One Time.” Enter how much data you can afford in either MB or GB in the “Data limit” text box, and hit “Save.” 

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