Imagination’s GPU and neural processor on Alibaba Risc-V AI chip

Alibaba Group’s T-Head chip design company has adopted Imagination Technologies B-Series GPU and Series3NX neural network accelerator for an artificial intelligence IoT SoC.

The Hertfordshire company joined T-Head’s ‘Wujian platform alliance’ in 2019 . “Imagination has been
collaborating with T-head to build a heterogeneous GPU-NPU architecture based on Xuantie C910,” said Imagination.

Yesterday, Wujian 600 platform was unveiled at the RISC-V China Summit, alongside the 2.5GHz TH1520 IC based on it.

TH1520 has a quad-core Xuantie C910 CPU, which is a Risc-V processor with a 12-stage super-scalar pipeline with a three-issue and eight-executive deep out-of-order execution architecture and a single-double-precision floating-point unit. Also on the die is Imagination’s BXM-4-64 GPU and its AX3386 AI accelerator.

According to the Risc-V consortium, it can deliver 4Top/s of neural processing. “TH1520 has already been used inside Alibaba’s ecosystem,” it said, adding: “With the Wujian 600 platform, developers can run desktop-level applications such as FireFox browser and LibreOffice built on the OpenAnolis Linux-based operating system launched by Alibaba in 2020.”

Imagination is owned by Beijing-based Canyon Bridge Capital Partners.


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