Improving the Online Retail Checkout Experience

Are you considering shipping freebies? Are you considering guest checkout? These are some ways to improve ecommerce checkout.

The checkout process is one of the most important parts of any ecommerce site. It’s typically where more sales are made, and where you can make your customers’ lives easier. But it has to be easy for your business to manage, too! With that in mind, here are five ways you can improve your customer experience at checkout.

1. Provide a Progress Indicator

Progress indicators are a great way to inform users that their order is making progress. It can help reduce abandonment by providing an easy way for customers to see where they stand. When designing these types of tools, keep the following in mind:

  • Don’t let users wait too long: Provide insight into what stage of processing your order is currently in — but don’t leave them waiting for too long without giving any indication as to when the next stage might occur. You want to give your customer a sense of control over the situation and avoid leaving them feeling confused.
  • Don’t distract with other content: Make sure there’s not too much clutter visible around performance indicators. Otherwise, people won’t be able to focus on what matters — their order. Focus on providing clear details about options available at each step, so people don’t miss anything important on checkout.

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2. Offer Guest Checkout

One of the most effective ways to increase conversions in the customer journey is by offering guest checkout. The more steps you can eliminate from your checkout process, the more likely that customers will complete their purchase. If they have already purchased from you before and are satisfied with their experience — they’ll be happy to bypass a lengthy registration process and take advantage of this convenience.

Your goal should be for every customer who completes a transaction using guest checkout to become an active user of your platform — and if possible, get them to leave reviews as well! To accomplish these goals:

  • Offer an incentive or discount for first-time buyers. This encourages new users to sign up and helps grow your active user base at minimal to zero extra cost.
  • Use an email followup sequence to nurture new users and drive them back to your site. This is an easy way to make sure you’re staying top of mind with customers who have yet to come back.

3. Make the Checkout Page Mobile-Responsive

Mobile commerce is a fast-growing channel and will continue to grow as users become more comfortable with buying on mobile. As a result, retailers need to ensure that their checkout pages are optimized for mobile devices. Ensure that you offer an intuitive user experience that doesn’t require too many taps or clicks.

A good way to do this is by using one-column sections with clear labels above each field. This makes it easy for customers to know what they’re filling out without having to scroll through everything.

You can also use features like autocomplete fields where possible. This will save time by eliminating typing errors in common fields such as names or addresses.

Finally, be sure that all elements of your page — from text size down through button placement — are readable regardless of whether someone has 20/20 vision or needs corrective lenses.

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