I’ve never played a TTRPG — How do I start? Tabletop tips from an anxious GM

“How do I start playing TTRPGs?” is a broad question that’ll net you a number of blanket statements, but I’ll try to be as specific as possible to break down a multistep process for you to get started. As someone who struggles with anxiety and depression — a combo that is less than ideal for a journalist or a game master juggling seven different players in a six-hour Dungeons & Dragons game — it can be tough to break into a game that’s all about socializing, so I want to untangle this question with my experience from a different angle.

In this week’s column of Tabletop tips from an anxious GM (all of which can be found on our DND tips hub), I’ll be answering a question that has been posed by friend and colleague John Loeffler. He writes, “What would you tell someone who hasn’t played TTRPGs but wants to go about doing so? Both from a player and a DM/GM perspective?”

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