Michelle Hawley’s Top 5 Articles of 2022

2022 was a big year, with the metaverse, Twitter-alternative hopefuls and personalized marketing gone wrong. Here are Michelle Hawley’s personal favorites.

What a year. The past 12 months seemed to fly by, likely because there have been no shortages of stories to write about.

We’ve had Mark Zuckerberg betting big on the Metaverse and losing billions. Elon Musk buying Twitter (though trying hard not to). Talk of Web3, cryptocurrency, data privacy and brand new social media sites.

If you’re looking to catch up on my top stories from 2022, look no further. Here are my personal favorites from 2022:

Most companies mean well in their personalization efforts — they want to deliver the best customer experiences possible. But sometimes those efforts can go a little wayward.

Hear from three people who’ve dealt with creepy personalization first-hand. Can you guess which brands were the culprits? 

A lot of companies rely on third-party vendors. They’re convenient, easy to use, accessible from anywhere. But all of that good comes with some bad.

Third-party vendors create risk — risk that costs organizations money. Learn exactly what those risks are and how to sidestep them while maintaining data integrity. 

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