Most Read articles – Power semi market, AMD supercomputing, Electronica 2022 roundup

What are the topics covered? There’s the UK government order that Nexperia must sell at least 86% of the Newport Wafer Fab, our Electronica 2022 news roundup, Nexperia buying an energy harvesting specialist, SiPearl and AMD working on exascale supercomputing and the size of the prize in the power semiconductor device market…

5. Government orders Nexperia to sell 86% of Newport Wafer Fab
Nexperia must sell at least 86% of Newport Wafer Fab, says the government following a national security review. “We welcome foreign trade and investment that supports growth and jobs. But where we identify a risk to national security we will act decisively,” said Business Minister Grant Shapps. The government said there was a national security risk related to compound semiconductor technology activities at the site, and the potential for those activities to undermine British capabilities.

4. Electronica 2022 – The latest news roundup
Don’t miss the Electronics Weekly roundup of all our latest news from Electronica, the event running from 15-18 May in Munich. Electronica is the world’s biggest electronics show, and Electronics Weekly will be covering it extensively, to discover the latest products, developments and trends in the industry.

DELA DISCOUNT BC608282-63CF-4258-97FF-50A38A4A7450-300x214 Most Read articles - Power semi market, AMD supercomputing, Electronica 2022 roundup DELA DISCOUNT  3. Nexperia buys Nowi
Nexperia has bought the six year-old Netherlands energy harvesting specialist Nowi. Nowi’s PMICs combine the smallest PCB footprint with the lowest BOM cost and the best average harvesting performance, says Nexperia.

2. SiPearl hooks up with AMD
SiPearl, the company designing the Europrocessor, has joined up with AMD to provide a joint offering for exascale supercomputing systems, combining SiPearl’s HPC microprocessor, Rhea, with AMD Instinct accelerators. Initially, AMD and SiPearl will jointly assess the interoperability of the AMD ROC open software with the SiPearl Rhea microprocessor and build an optimized software solution that would strengthen the capabilities of a SiPearl microprocessor combined with an AMD Instinct accelerator

DELA DISCOUNT E7C49355-7543-44D5-A4D8-DDAB40ABDCFF-300x194 Most Read articles - Power semi market, AMD supercomputing, Electronica 2022 roundup DELA DISCOUNT  1. Power semiconductor market to hit €59. 6 billion in 2027
The total power semiconductor device market is expected to reach €59.6 billion in 2027, says Yole Developpement, with the discrete and module power device market expected to reach $30.5 billion in 2027. The power electronics market is mainly driven by efforts to slow down climate change through CO2 emission reductions and increasing system efficiency, and by digitalization trends. Trends such as “electrification”, “batteryfication”, and “automation” boost the demand for power electronics systems and devices.

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