![OSRS No Requirement Money Making Guide OSRS No Requirement Money Making Guide](https://www.reviewsxp.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/OSRS-game-850x491.jpg)
This guide contains every money making method in Old School Runescape without any requirements. The easiest and quickest way is always buying OSRS gold at an online store, but if you want to farm yourself, here are your opportunities:
Picking Up Red Spider Eggs in Wilderness
For this method you will need stamina potions and amulets of glory charged. head over to the Edgeville dungeon and go pass the thugs, you will see a bunch of red spiders and red spider eggs. Collect red spider eggs, hop when you have picked up all of them. Teleport back to Edgeville and repeat.
You can also double your profits from this method by getting a looting bag, to get one, simply kill any npc in the wilderness. The easiest ones to kill with a level 3 are rats, which can be found near the Ferox Enclave.
Profit/Hour: 438k
Recharging Ring of Wealth
Buy uncharged rings of wealth from the grand exchange, fill your inventory with them and go into the wilderness. Use any obelisk to get to level 50 wilderness. (The easiest way to do this is to get rings of duelling and teleport to the Ferox Enclave to use the obelisk near that area.) From there run to the fountain of rune to and use any ring of wealth from your inventory on the obelisk.
After that, run back to the obelisk and teleport back to anywhere below level 30 to teleport to G.E using your wealth, then repeat. Stamina and energy potions will help speed up the process.
Profit/Hour: 222k
Tanning Dragonhide
To do this effectively you will need some starting gp. Check the G.E prices of each dragonhide and leather to find the best margin. As of making this guide that is black dragonhide. Buy that hide as many as you can and head to Al Kharid.
Get your cash stack and an inventory full of dragonhides. Run to the tanner and tan them, after that run back to the bank, then get another inventory and repeat.
Profit/Hour: 619k
Buying Team Capes
To do this method you will need around 250k, go to any shop that you can see in this picture and buy out all the capes. If you want to maximise your profits you can check out the cape that has the highest margin beforehand.
Currently, the best cape to buy is Team-46 Cape. Use any cheap teleport (like ring of duelling) and energy potions to speed up the process.
Profit/Hour 139k
Buying Feather Packs
For this method you will need around 550k to start. Head over to the Gerrant’s Fishy Business in Port Sarim and start buying feather packs. Buy 10 packs at a time, exit out of the interface, click on 1 to let the rest automatically open, by the time all of the packs are open, the feather pack stock would be full again. This way you won’t ever buy packs at an increased price.
It is possible to manually open feather packs, but the stock will not replenish in time for it to be effective, though world hopping may be used in this case. Sell all the feathers at the grand exchange afterwards.
Profit/Hour: 227k