Self-drive cars double test mileage

The DMV has licensed 50 companies but only 22 actually tested cars last year – possibly the result of M&A in the sector.

Waymo put in the most miles at 2.3 million followed by Cruise with 876,104 miles.

The combined mileage of Waymo and Cruise – 3.2 million miles – represented 80% of the total miles driven for the year – up from last years’s 70%. drove 305,616 miles and Zoox drove 155,125. Apple drove 13,272 miles.

Waymo had the best disengagement record with 1 every 7,200 miles. Cruise had 1 disengagement every 42,202 miles. had 0.023 disengagement’s every 1000 miles, Zoox had 0.128 disengagements per 1,000 miles and Apple had 49.8 disengagements  per 1,000 miles.




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