SiliconBrite SBT3000 Power Line Smart AC Switch Controller monitors incoming line voltage to ensure downstream loads operate within safe maximum continuous voltage ratings. The SBT3000 will automatically disable the AC switch in over-voltage line conditions. This will protect and isolate the load and minimize the potential of catastrophic failure modes.
- Low energizing current 60uA (typical)
- Line to Neutral voltage monitoring
- Line to Load voltage monitoring
- User adjustable maximum load voltage
- ‘In-cycle’ Over-Voltage load isolation
- Suitable for use with IGBT AC switch
- Zero-volt (Line to Load) AC switch connect
- Zero-volt (Line to Load) AC switch disconnect
- Compatible with 50Hz/240V and 60Hz/110V
- Output gate drive voltage of 16V
- Timing pin for programmable recovery delay
- SOIC 8-pin package
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