Sony announces PlayStation State of Play for this Wednesday

Sony announced a PlayStation State of Play scheduled for Wednesday, March 9. It’ll begin at 2pm PST / 5pm EST / 10pm GMT and is set to run for around 20 minutes. We weren’t given many hints on what content will be included, but we can expect a “special focus” on games from PlayStation’s Japanese publishers throughout both PS4 and PS5 consoles. 

This could mean Square Enix is involved, especially since the publisher has Strangers of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin launching this month. Ghostwire: Tokyo is also launching this month, and although it’s published by Bethesda, it is a Japanese-developed game. Since Microsoft owns Bethesda, we’re probably not going to see it there, but it could still happen due to the temporary exclusivity deal between Sony and Bethesda.

Where to watch PlayStation’s State of Play

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