R5M, R3M, R2M and R1M are rated at 5W, 3W, 2W, and 1W respectively. R2M types are also available in the DIP8 through-hole package.
Input ranges of 9 – 36Vdc or 18 – 75Vdc are available, plus a 4.5 – 18Vdc option for the lower power R3M, R2M and R1M types.
Outputs are a single 3.3, 5, 9, 12, 15 or 24V, or dual ±5V, ±12 or ±15V.
Input to output isolation for all parts is 1.6kV for 1minute,
No minimum load is needed and continuous short circuit protection is included along with an on/off control pin.
Efficiency peaks at 84%, allowing derated operation to at least 100°C ambient. Max full-load operating temperature differes with nominal power rating, for example: R5M types work over -40°C to +50°C, while R1M types cover -40 to +90°C.
External filtering components required to meet EN 55032 EMC class A and B limits are detailed in the data sheets.
Reliability, for example, is 8.5Mhr for the 1W part (25°C, MIL-HDBK-217F, GB). Warranty is three years.