The Hottest Topics of 2022 Covered by CMSWire

Sharing CMSWire’s coverage of 2022’s must-read news.

In a year chock full of major announcements, advances and acquisitions — with a direct impact on the marketing and CX community — CMSWire stayed on top of all the latest news with in-depth coverage. From the fallout of Elon Musk’s Twitter takeover — and a chatbot that everyone was talking about (and talking to) — to buying property in the metaverse, getting ready for Web3 and preparing for a cookie-less future, here’s a breakdown of 2022’s most talked about news covered by CMSWire.

1. Twitter’s Fallout and the Rise of Social Media Platforms

From the early days in April when Elon Musk purchased more than 9% of Twitter shares — through his $44 billion acquisition of the embattled social media platform and subsequent fallout — CMSWire consistently stayed on top of the ever-developing story.

In May, Alex Kantrowitz evaluated Musk’s plan to fix Twitter that included lengthening character limits, open sourcing the algorithm and effectively putting an end to content moderation — the latter of which caused a storm of controversy.

Following his Twitter takeover, Scott Clark dove into the fallout, its effect on marketing and analyzed whether a platform that may potentially be seen as promoting hate speech and conspiracies could keep its commitment to brand safety.

By late October, as marketers and advertisers began to temporarily suspend their ads on Twitter and users closed their accounts in droves, Michelle Hawley reported on the growing popularity of Twitter alternative, Mastodon — a decentralized, open-source social media platform that doubled its user base since Musk took the helm at Twitter. Hawley took a look at the key differences, and in a follow-up story she detailed how to pick a Mastodon server.

Jennifer Torres followed up with a deep dive into the marketing reality of Twitter vs. Mastodon with in-depth insight from marketers with strong feelings on both sides of the fence — including one CEO who ditched Twitter, leaving 70,000 followers behind.

And as another Twitter alternative emerged, Hawley was on top of it again with a story on why Hive Social was quickly gaining steam, while Torres explained why marketers were not entirely impressed.

2. Adobe’s Major Acquisition of Figma

On Sept. 15, Adobe announced a deal to buy the design platform Figma for $20 billion — Adobe’s largest acquisition to date. According to company officials the new asset would expand their product portfolio with Figma’s web-based, multiplayer capabilities — all while accelerating the delivery of Adobe’s Creative Cloud technologies on the web.

However, the acquisition left some with questions surrounding whether this was a case of collaboration or market elimination. We covered this acquisition through two pieces. First, by breaking the news, and then by taking a deep dive into exactly how this acquisition would impact UX designers.

3. OpenAI Introduces ChatGPT

On Nov. 30, the world was introduced to ChatGPT, a new chatbot technology that just might revolutionize the way we get information, write articles and create code. The new tech was created by OpenAI, the artificial intelligence company and research lab that also created DALL-E and DALL-E 2, enabling users to generate impressive images and art from text. OpenAI’s projected revenue by 2024 is $1 billion.

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