Turn Language Into Actionable Insights with NLP

Do you ever feel drained of all energy after trying to find relevant information online? After analyzing what people have typed before? We think we may just be able to solve this problem.

This article introduces you to Klangoo, an Artificial Intelligence company at heart providing Natural Language Processing  services to a multitude of domains. Klangoo’s rule-based NLP service analyses content to identify the “aboutness” or context.

Klangoo’s technology allows developers to build their own solutions using its public REST API. It doesn’t require any training or regular model recalculation as is the case with other technologies that fully depend on Machine Learning models. Klangoo’s API is domain-independent, supports more than 100 languages, and is already used on billions of pages worldwide.

Why You Should Use Natural Language Processing

Klangoo API integrates Natural Language Processing capabilities into your application. They offer services that extract understanding from text and provide tagging, summaries, and information about persons, country brands or anything else you need to research.

  • Understand Natural language

A whole new way of finding relevant information just became available. Klangoo has the ability to extract entities- namely the names and topics found within sentences – with just one click of a button. Klangoo identifies over 40 different high-level entity types and thousands of sub-types, and then scores each recognized entity based on its representation in the content using unique algorithms.

  • Categorize your input text based on eight key news categories, such as health, politics, and sports.

What if you didn’t need any training to figure out how to categorize something? Klangoo will do all the hard work for you! All you need to do is give an input text into one or more categories and voila – it will return the best category possible with a score indicating its relevance.

Don’t be afraid of picking a topic that might sound difficult; Klangoo can handle anything! You can even get multiple possibilities per input!

  • Summarize Content which returns content based on keyword annotations

Summarize your text quickly and accurately using Klangoo’s NLP API. Klangoo automatically summarizes your input text for you through extraction and data smoothing algorithms, taking into account its own topic analysis and identification of key subjects.

  • Automatically identify the key topics

Using the getkeytopics method, automatically determine the key topics (disambiguated phrases and score) within your input text. Semantic Full-Text Search, automated summarizing, categorization, and theme development, among other features, all rely on topics.

  • Determine the contextual meaning of the words used in searches

Immerse yourself in technological advances! With the use of an NLP API, you will be able to gain benefits when it comes to semantic search. This feature not only finds the searched Key/Paragraph but also derives the context meaning of the Key/Paragraph for higher accuracy.

  • Identify sensitive content and protect your brand’s reputation

To keep your company’s name out of scandal, Klangoo provides a sensitive content tagging service. This will identify pages with risky content so that you can avoid associating your company with them.


Klangoo NLP API is a valuable tool for developers to use when developing solutions that do not sacrifice performance when integrated with any technology stack. Don’t waste time coding inefficient algorithms and projects from scratch.

Start your free trial today and make use of 5,000 free API calls each month! Plus with Klangoo10 special promo code you can also get an additional 10,000 API calls per year!

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