Your Guide: What is Remote Access?

Technology & Tools

Published on: March 1st, 2022

Have you ever found yourself needing computer help with no one around to assist? What about needing to look something up on your computer while being physically away from your desktop? Remote access allows authorized users to access a network, computer, IT service, application, apps, or data from another location. If you’re wondering, “what is remote access, and is it right for my business?” then you’ve come to the right place! Your technology superheroes discuss the benefits of remote access software below.

How Does Remote Access Benefit Businesses?

Amidst the pandemic, work-from-home became more common than ever before, and with it came technology challenges and security risks. Employees needed to access work without being on-premise, and companies needed to ensure that their data stayed protected. Remote desktop access has helped organizations offer more work flexibility and functionality wherever their employees are.

Improve Security

Allowing your employees to use their mobile devices to access company data anywhere does not have to be a security risk; it can enable your IT team to oversee control across all traffic. Remote desktop software requires users to use a single sign-on (SSO). From there, your team (or your IT service provider) can use multi-factor authentication and access control for end-to-end control.

Lower Cost

On that note, allowing your employees to use their own Macs, Windows, and other laptops saves your business money. Since all they need to work is an internet connection, they can stay secure and productive wherever they are.

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Last but certainly not least, remote support through a virtual private network (VPN) or other software can help keep things running, even during disruptions. File transfer and even mirroring the original device ensure employees have remote access to everything they need.

On the flip side, your support team can help more efficiently, as they can also gain remote control over a user’s desktop. This means smoother, faster technical support when things go wrong.

Is Remote Access Safe?

You may still be wondering if allowing users to work through remote devices creates cybersecurity issues. Like many aspects of your technology, it depends on what security protocols you have in place. If your business implements proper security protocols and follows best practices for passwords, VPNs, firewalls, updates, and the like, then your data should remain secure.

Remote access solutions offer a myriad of benefits for many businesses. Whether you’re hoping to attract new talent by providing a more flexible work environment, are looking to ensure that your workers can access their files wherever, want more endpoint control over remote devices, or are looking to improve your virtual technical support options; remote access can help!

There are many types of remote access and VPN protocols, so it’s important to seek a solution that fits your business’s needs. If you’re interested in offering remote computer access or support for your organization, consider contacting your local Computer Troubleshooters office. Our tech experts can help you find and maintain secure remote access solutions that fit your needs.

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