IEEE calls for ISSCC 2022 papers

The IEEE is now accepting submissions for papers to be presented at next year’s International Solid State Circuits Conference (ISSCC 2023).

ISSCC is arguably the world’s top showcase for integrated circuitry innovation. It is heald annually in San Francisco.

Papers an be submitted at any time beween now and 07 September 2022. Early submissions can be corrected and augmented until the closing date.

The organisers follow a double-blind review process – meaning that both the authors and reviewers will remain anonymous during the paper-selection process. There are double-blind guidelines for authors on the ISSCC website.

IEEE calls for ISSCC 2022 papers

ISSCC 2023 is the 70th anniversary event, and will take place across 19-23 February next year.

“We are considering a hybrid conference for ISSCC 2023, that is both an on-site event and a virtual one for those unable to travel,” according to the organisers. “Further details will be posted on the website as they become available.”

As usual, papers will be presented on a broad range of subjects, including: analogue. data converters, digital architecture, digital systems, digital circuits, imagers, MEMS, medical, displays, machine learning, AI, memory, power management, RF, wireless and wireline comms.

As well as a draft manuscript, an abstract, figures and author information needs to be provided. There is also a questionnaire, and an option to provide supporting files.

Submit potential ISSCC 2023 papers here

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